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网页Syringe filters are single-use, membrane-based devices used for the removal of particulate impurities from liquid and gas samples prior to analysis by methods such as HPLC, ion chromatography, gas chromatography, ICP, and dissolution testing. Proper filtration of samples improves the quality and consistency of analytical results and decreases
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网页2021年9月9日 · SEPARA Syringeless filter is one step sample preparation device that integrates a device auto-sampler, filtration, membrane, plug and cap/septa. The device consists of two parts: an internal vial with a membrane chamber and an external vial to be filled with the filtrate. The internal vial has a sealed membrane and a cap with pre-cut
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网页製品名. Millex ®. 説明. マイレクス(Millex)-GV フィルター, 0.22 µm, PVDF, 33 mm, 非滅菌. 背景情報. Overview of Non-Sterile Millex® Syringe Filters with Durapore® (PVDF) Membrane. •Low protein binding to minimize interaction with your sample and maximize recovery. •Compatible with aqueous and mild organic solutions.
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网页GVS has the right filtration solution for all medical requirements, including infusions, transfusions, blood treatments, hemo-dialysis and respiratory therapy. In addition, GVS has recently introduced a number of new products and
网页Oct 29, 2021 · Iso9001 0.22um hplc filter vials for filtration Aijiren-HPLC Syringe Filter, PTFE, 30mm diameter, 0.22um, 100/pk (Scientific Strategies # FPT250020-100PK) Polytetrafluorethylene is used for the filtration of 1-4mL
网页2021年11月13日 · Today GVS Life Sciences provides a wide range of innovative products including standard and custom devices for laboratory filtration, sample preparation, clarification or fine particulate removal for laboratory applications, protein and nucleic acid binding and analysis and biomarker research. GVS Life Sciences offers a complete range
网页Syringe filters are single use, self contained, filtration devices that are typically used to remove contaminating particulate from liquids or gasses. When selecting the correct syringe filter for an application there are a number of factors to consider, these include: Filter and housing materials. Pore size. Effective filtration area.
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